2015-03-02 21:47:19 : Updating layout for new blocks.
Find 3a8c3faf3cf2ac8144b1050f4c387551018b567b on GitHub.
Updating layout for new blocks.
track: True
keywords: maker faire, conductive ink, nyc
{+{% block post %}+}
### Open Source Hardware Summit
{% mark excerpt %}
Recuperating this week from a grand time in New York City. We converged on its gray shores last week to stop by the [Open Source Hardware Summit](http://summit.oshwa.org/), where people vaguely gesticulated in the direction of "open source" and show-cased their projects. The good men (and they are that) of [Industry City Distillery](http://drinkicd.com) were there, handing out thimbles of vodka.
@@ -40,7 +41,5 @@ I was racing about, so didn't get a chance to snap many photos--but things turne
{+{% endblock %}+}
2015-02-16 14:28:44 : Adding excerpts to all posts, basically.
Find 07a57fe3ebb846616f1ae7d0aa3cfbc0f1920d57 on GitHub.
Adding excerpts to all posts, basically.
keywords: maker faire, conductive ink, nyc
### Open Source Hardware Summit
{+{% mark excerpt %}+}
Recuperating this week from a grand time in New York City. We converged on its gray shores last week to stop by the [Open Source Hardware Summit](http://summit.oshwa.org/), where people vaguely gesticulated in the direction of "open source" and show-cased their projects. The good men (and they are that) of [Industry City Distillery](http://drinkicd.com) were there, handing out thimbles of vodka.
{+{% endmark %}+}
### World MakerFaire NYC 2012
On Saturday I made the sojourn out to Flushing. I'll reserve the tale of our trevails on the MTA for another day--suffice it to say, it took two-and-half hours to stumble out to the hinterlands of Queens and I barely arrived in time for a workshop on conductive ink with [Analisa Russo](http://colloids.matse.illinois.edu/group.html), who'd brought a number of her pen-on-paper conductive silver pens ([video][1]) to play with.
2013-01-29 18:40:51 : Start displaying .git tracking information
Find cfa46ecb8a0244c3a1d4650cff13dc9294381b44 on GitHub.
Start displaying .git tracking information
title: Reports from the City
summary: Tales from MakerFaire NYC & OSHW.
date: 2012-10-1 09:06:55
{+track: True+}
{+keywords: maker faire, conductive ink, nyc+}
### Open Source Hardware Summit
Recuperating this week from a grand time in New York City. We converged on its gray shores last week to stop by the [Open Source Hardware Summit](http://summit.oshwa.org/), where people vaguely gesticulated in the direction of "open source" and show-cased their projects. The good men (and they are that) of [Industry City Distillery](http://drinkicd.com) were there, handing out thimbles of vodka.
2012-10-04 17:17:27 : Whatever we've got. Revising arscons.
Find 322273d27f478dc8f1aa05370a1bfe8e0dbf1124 on GitHub.
Whatever we've got. Revising arscons.
<figure class="with-caption">
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40358770@N00/8050301920/" title="MakerFaire 2012 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8177/8050301920_6797fb209d.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="MakerFaire 2012"></a>
<figcaption>We're {+doing+} science on the 7 train. No one thought this was weird.</figcaption>
2012-10-03 14:15:36 : Yep.
Find 32a65d662926f01c8a0147038d8738d614efa980 on GitHub.
{+<figure class="with-caption">+}
{+ <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40358770@N00/8050301920/" title="MakerFaire 2012 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8177/8050301920_6797fb209d.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="MakerFaire 2012"></a>+}
{+<figcaption>We're science on the 7 train. No one thought this was weird.</figcaption>+}
2012-10-03 10:15:35 : Period.
Find e667da61f755e62f243ebe7d178e0a53c86c270e on GitHub.
title: Reports from the City
summary: Tales from MakerFaire NYC & [-OSHW-]{+OSHW.+}
date: 2012-10-1 09:06:55
### Open Source Hardware Summit
2012-10-03 10:14:39 : Adding makerfaire.
Find 3940bfe5e3b123ca73ed3ccb909809f12c2897d2 on GitHub.
Adding makerfaire.
{+title: Reports from the City +}
{+summary: Tales from MakerFaire NYC & OSHW +}
{+date: 2012-10-1 09:06:55+}
{+### Open Source Hardware Summit+}
{+Recuperating this week from a grand time in New York City. We converged on its gray shores last week to stop by the [Open Source Hardware Summit](http://summit.oshwa.org/), where people vaguely gesticulated in the direction of "open source" and show-cased their projects. The good men (and they are that) of [Industry City Distillery](http://drinkicd.com) were there, handing out thimbles of vodka.+}
{+### World MakerFaire NYC 2012+}
{+On Saturday I made the sojourn out to Flushing. I'll reserve the tale of our trevails on the MTA for another day--suffice it to say, it took two-and-half hours to stumble out to the hinterlands of Queens and I barely arrived in time for a workshop on conductive ink with [Analisa Russo](http://colloids.matse.illinois.edu/group.html), who'd brought a number of her pen-on-paper conductive silver pens ([video][1]) to play with. +}
{+I was racing about, so didn't get a chance to snap many photos--but things turned out nicely. Many thanks to AnnMarie Thomas and the [Maker Ed](http://makered.org) team for making it happen!+}
{+<figure class="with-caption">+}
{+<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40358770@N00/8050299166/" title="MakerFaire 2012 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8029/8050299166_c5b2621596.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="MakerFaire 2012"></a>+}
{+<figcaption>Getting underway.</figcaption>+}
{+<figure class="with-caption">+}
{+<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40358770@N00/8050300272/" title="MakerFaire 2012 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8035/8050300272_2993168c4e.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="MakerFaire 2012"></a>+}
{+<figcaption>Amanda & her masterpiece.</figcaption>+}
{+<figure class="with-caption">+}
{+<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40358770@N00/8050294519/" title="MakerFaire 2012 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8033/8050294519_9b48827426.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="MakerFaire 2012"></a>+}
{+<figcaption>Check out the close-up. Look at those traces!</figcaption>+}
{+<figure class="with-caption">+}
{+<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40358770@N00/8050295033/" title="MakerFaire 2012 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/8050295033_c65438711e.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="MakerFaire 2012"></a>+}
2012-10-02 10:34:08 : Moved all files over to a flat file system. Added new hyde plugin.