With some consternation, I’ve overhauled my website.
Much is due to the fine work of Steve Losh , whose work I’ve assiduously cribbed, both in web design, .vim
configs, and much else.
This site is powered by Hyde , which is complex enough to make me feel smart, and simple enough to be actually useful. The Golden Grid System gave me all of the nifty “Responsive Web” tricks for free. Fun fact: I helped put Ethan Marcotte’s e-book together for A Book Apart back when I worked for Threepress.
The code for this website is hosted on GitHub . Not much to see, but knock yourself out if you’re so inclined.
Change History(?)
2015-03-02 21:47:19 : Updating layout for new blocks.
Find 3a8c3faf3cf2ac8144b1050f4c387551018b567b on GitHub.
Updating layout for new blocks.
summary: In which I greet you, gentle reader.
track: True
{+{% block post %}+}
With some consternation, I've overhauled my website.
Much is due to the fine work of [Steve Losh](http://stevelosh.com), whose work I've assiduously cribbed, both in web design, `.vim` configs, and much else.
@@ -11,3 +12,4 @@ Much is due to the fine work of [Steve Losh](http://stevelosh.com), whose work I
This site is powered by [Hyde](http://hyde.github.com/), which is complex enough to make me feel smart, and simple enough to be actually useful. The [Golden Grid System](http://goldengridsystem.com) gave me all of the nifty "Responsive Web" tricks for free. Fun fact: I helped put Ethan Marcotte's [e-book](http://www.abookapart.com/products/responsive-web-design) together for [A Book Apart](http://abookapart.com) back when I worked for Threepress.
The code for this website is hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/samjacoby/samjacoby.com). Not much to see, but knock yourself out if you're so inclined.
{+{% endblock %}+}
2013-01-29 18:40:51 : Start displaying .git tracking information
Find cfa46ecb8a0244c3a1d4650cff13dc9294381b44 on GitHub.
Start displaying .git tracking information
title: Hello, World.
date: 2012-08-21 13:24:28
summary: In which I greet you, gentle reader.
{+track: True+}
With some consternation, I've overhauled my website.
2012-10-10 17:05:18 : Ok
Find 3be8951a57cf120587e000c87d173bb2526b9fa2 on GitHub.
With some consternation, I've overhauled my website.
Much is due to the fine work of [Steve Losh](http://stevelosh.com), whose work I've assiduously [-cribbed for some time,-]{+cribbed,+} both in web design, `.vim` configs, and much else.
This site is powered by [Hyde](http://hyde.github.com/), which is complex enough to make me feel [-smart--and-]{+smart, and+} simple enough to be actually useful. The [Golden Grid System](http://goldengridsystem.com) gave me all of the nifty "Responsive Web" tricks for free. Fun fact: I helped put [-the e-book-]{+Ethan Marcotte's [e-book](http://www.abookapart.com/products/responsive-web-design)+} together for [A [-List Apart](http://alistapart.com)-]{+Book Apart](http://abookapart.com)+} back when I worked for Threepress.
The code for this website is hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/samjacoby/samjacoby.com). Not much to see, but knock yourself out if you're so inclined.
2012-10-02 10:34:08 : Moved all files over to a flat file system. Added new hyde plugin.
Find e98500c7a0459410661b53d92e754b7d84a1b869 on GitHub.
Moved all files over to a flat file system. Added new hyde plugin.
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
{+title: Hello, World. +}
{+date: 2012-08-21 13:24:28+}
{+summary: In which I greet you, gentle reader.+}
{+With some consternation, I've overhauled my website. +}
{+Much is due to the fine work of [Steve Losh](http://stevelosh.com), whose work I've assiduously cribbed for some time, both in web design, `.vim` configs, and much else.+}
{+This site is powered by [Hyde](http://hyde.github.com/), which is complex enough to make me feel smart--and simple enough to be actually useful. The [Golden Grid System](http://goldengridsystem.com) gave me all of the nifty "Responsive Web" tricks for free. Fun fact: I helped put the e-book together for [A List Apart](http://alistapart.com) back when I worked for Threepress.+}
{+The code for this website is hosted on [GitHub](https://github.com/samjacoby/samjacoby.com). Not much to see, but knock yourself out if you're so inclined.+}