Lest anyone be misled, this is a post about making circuit boards. Thrilling stuff.
Every time I send off Gerbers for production, I am baffled by the array of files that the CAM job in Eagle generates. I’m happy to be ignorant. That’s fine. The issue is, when you upload your files to most board fabs, they cheerily list the half-dozen odd things you’ve sent them—and ask you what they are? Top solder mask? NC drill file? I know nothing of this. So—some research later, and this is what we’ve got.
To the best of my knowledge—using Advanced Circuits , these are the file extension mappings using the Eagle Gerber RS274X cam file. I may have once changed the default extensions randomly a few months ago—so handle with care. There are some inconsistencies as detailed here . A nice summary here as well. Thanks, Fred.
At any rate, we’ll see how the boards come out:
.cmp / top copper
.drd / NC drill from excellon.com
.dri / also an NC drill file. Do we need both? I don’t know. Probably not. But someone told me to generate the excellon paths once, so I do.
.plc / top silkscreen
.sol / bottom copper
.stc / top solder mask
.sts / bottom solder mask
.gpi / screw this one. General board info. Not needed.
Change History(?)
2015-03-02 21:47:19 : Updating layout for new blocks.
Find 3a8c3faf3cf2ac8144b1050f4c387551018b567b on GitHub.
Updating layout for new blocks.
track: True
keywords: gerber, eagle, file formats
{+{% block post %}+}
Lest anyone be misled, **this is a post about making circuit boards.** Thrilling stuff.
{% mark excerpt %}
@@ -30,3 +31,4 @@ At any rate, we'll see how the boards come out:
- **.sts** / bottom solder mask
- **.gpi** / screw this one. General board info. Not needed.
{+{% endblock %}+}
2015-02-16 14:28:44 : Adding excerpts to all posts, basically.
Find 07a57fe3ebb846616f1ae7d0aa3cfbc0f1920d57 on GitHub.
Adding excerpts to all posts, basically.
Lest anyone be misled, **this is a post about making circuit boards.** Thrilling stuff.
{+{% mark excerpt %}+}
Every time I send off Gerbers for production, I am baffled by the array of files that the CAM job in Eagle generates. I'm happy to be ignorant. That's fine. The issue is, when you upload your files to most board fabs, they cheerily list the half-dozen odd things you've sent them--and ask you what they are? Top solder mask? NC drill file? I know nothing of this. So--some research later, and this is what we've got.
{+{% endmark %}+}
To the best of my knowledge--using [Advanced Circuits](http://www.4mypcb.com), these are the file extension mappings using the Eagle Gerber RS274X cam file. I may have once changed the default extensions randomly a few months ago--so handle with care. There are some inconsistencies as detailed [here](http://www.protoexpress.com/content/gerber_extensions.jsp). A nice summary [here](http://www.cs.uml.edu/~fredm/courses/91.548-spr03/eagle-gerber-output.shtml) as well. Thanks, Fred.
2013-01-29 18:40:51 : Start displaying .git tracking information
Find cfa46ecb8a0244c3a1d4650cff13dc9294381b44 on GitHub.
Start displaying .git tracking information
title: Gerber File Extensions
summary: Making sense--mostly--of the alphabet soup of circuit board layout files.
date: 2012-08-24 22:42:58
{+track: True+}
keywords: gerber, eagle, file formats
Lest anyone be misled, **this is a post about making circuit boards.** Thrilling stuff.
2012-12-07 21:30:18 : Adding thumbnail.
Find 5b07160844a8ef00822de931cbf51b0fa8840158 on GitHub.
Adding thumbnail.
title: Gerber File Extensions
summary: Making sense--mostly--of the alphabet soup of circuit board layout files.
date: 2012-08-24 22:42:58
{+keywords: gerber, eagle, file formats+}
Lest anyone be misled, **this is a post about making circuit boards.** Thrilling stuff.
2012-10-02 10:34:08 : Moved all files over to a flat file system. Added new hyde plugin.
Find e98500c7a0459410661b53d92e754b7d84a1b869 on GitHub.
Moved all files over to a flat file system. Added new hyde plugin.
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
{+title: Gerber File Extensions +}
{+summary: Making sense--mostly--of the alphabet soup of circuit board layout files. +}
{+date: 2012-08-24 22:42:58+}
{+Lest anyone be misled, **this is a post about making circuit boards.** Thrilling stuff.+}
{+Every time I send off Gerbers for production, I am baffled by the array of files that the CAM job in Eagle generates. I'm happy to be ignorant. That's fine. The issue is, when you upload your files to most board fabs, they cheerily list the half-dozen odd things you've sent them--and ask you what they are? Top solder mask? NC drill file? I know nothing of this. So--some research later, and this is what we've got. +}
{+To the best of my knowledge--using [Advanced Circuits](http://www.4mypcb.com), these are the file extension mappings using the Eagle Gerber RS274X cam file. I may have once changed the default extensions randomly a few months ago--so handle with care. There are some inconsistencies as detailed [here](http://www.protoexpress.com/content/gerber_extensions.jsp). A nice summary [here](http://www.cs.uml.edu/~fredm/courses/91.548-spr03/eagle-gerber-output.shtml) as well. Thanks, Fred.+}
{+At any rate, we'll see how the boards come out:+}
{+- **.cmp** / top copper+}
{+- **.drd** / NC drill from excellon.com+}
{+- **.dri** / *also* an NC drill file. Do we need both? I don't know. Probably not. But someone told me to generate the excellon paths once, so I do. +}
{+- **.plc** / top silkscreen+}
{+- **.sol** / bottom copper+}
{+- **.stc** / top solder mask+}
{+- **.sts** / bottom solder mask+}
{+- **.gpi** / screw this one. General board info. Not needed.+}