2012-12-07 23:27:35 : Tweaks, home.
Find 2ed01935bceee5b6442dcecff2aa7fcc7d0dc68b on GitHub.
Tweaks, home.
title: Easter Week
summary: A new translation of Chekhov shorts with accompanying engravings.
thumbnail: easter-10.jpg
weight: [-100-]{+80+}
Two Chekhov stories--"The Student," and "On Easter Eve"--in new translation--courtesty of [Michael Henry Heim](http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/slavic/faculty/heim_m.html). These stories are two favorites of mine--and I even read [somewhere][1] that "The Student" was Chekhov's own favorite. It's a spectacular update on the standard [Constance Garnett](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_Garnett) translations. Handprinted on a Vandercook Universal I from mint Dante types. The paper was smuggled in from Germany.
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ The stories are flanked by [Barry Moser's](http://www.moser-pennyroyal.com/) dar
[1]: <http://books.google.com/books?id=Vk8XRRYl938C&printsec=frontcover&dq=heim+karlinksy++chekhov+life+thought&hl=en&ei=OwgFTbXnBs2r8AaUv8HnAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false>
<div class="gallery">
[- <img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-10.jpg') }}"/>-]
<img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-1.jpg') }}"/>
<img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-2.jpg') }}"/>
<img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-3.jpg') }}"/>
@@ -20,6 +19,7 @@ The stories are flanked by [Barry Moser's](http://www.moser-pennyroyal.com/) dar
<img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-7.jpg') }}"/>
<img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-8.jpg') }}"/>
<img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-9.jpg') }}"/>
{+<img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-10.jpg') }}"/>+}
2012-08-30 10:14:26 : Adding ordering.
Find 2780ebd57e80ec042656ab81f2931f9d13b0a3fe on GitHub.
Adding ordering.
title: Easter Week
summary: A new translation of Chekhov shorts with accompanying engravings.
thumbnail: easter-10.jpg
{+weight: 100+}
Two Chekhov stories--"The Student," and "On Easter Eve"--in new translation--courtesty of [Michael Henry Heim](http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/slavic/faculty/heim_m.html). These stories are two favorites of mine--and I even read [somewhere][1] that "The Student" was Chekhov's own favorite. It's a spectacular update on the standard [Constance Garnett](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_Garnett) translations. Handprinted on a Vandercook Universal I from mint Dante types. The paper was smuggled in from Germany.
2012-08-28 22:18:03 : why did so many things change at once? I remember not.
Find 3ef464100163ba21ba00604ee9c4591e288b1c0b on GitHub.
why did so many things change at once? I remember not.
author: Anton Chekhov
title: Easter Week
summary: A new translation {+of Chekhov shorts+} with accompanying[-wood-] engravings.
thumbnail: easter-10.jpg
Two Chekhov stories--"The Student," and "On Easter Eve"--in new translation--courtesty of [Michael Henry Heim](http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/slavic/faculty/heim_m.html). These stories are two favorites of mine--and I even read [somewhere][1] that "The Student" was Chekhov's own favorite. It's a spectacular update on the standard [Constance Garnett](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_Garnett) translations. Handprinted on a Vandercook Universal I from mint Dante types. The paper was smuggled in from Germany.
2012-08-26 12:39:36 : Keeping track.
Find b2a715cc7bd099ffc5ed3bd1b3e113a490de77f3 on GitHub.
Keeping track.
author: Anton Chekhov
title: Easter Week
summary: [-"A-]{+A+} new translation with accompanying wood [-engravings."-]{+engravings.+}
thumbnail: [-"easter-10.jpg"-]{+easter-10.jpg+}
Two Chekhov stories--"The Student," and "On Easter Eve"--in new translation--courtesty of [Michael Henry Heim](http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/slavic/faculty/heim_m.html). These stories are two favorites of mine--and I even read [somewhere][1] that "The Student" was Chekhov's own favorite. It's a spectacular update on the standard [Constance Garnett](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_Garnett) translations. Handprinted on a Vandercook Universal I from mint Dante types. The paper was smuggled in from Germany.
2012-08-22 11:12:38 : Keeping track of birdy
Find 2b128e69ff6203e3fd6160b48834eb381fb43704 on GitHub.
Keeping track of birdy
author: Anton Chekhov
title: Easter Week
summary: "A new translation with accompanying wood engravings."
thumbnail: [-"img/thumb_easter-10.jpg"-]{+"easter-10.jpg"+}
Two Chekhov stories--"The Student," and "On Easter Eve"--in new translation--courtesty of [Michael Henry Heim](http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/slavic/faculty/heim_m.html). These stories are two favorites of mine--and I even read [somewhere][1] that "The Student" was Chekhov's own favorite. It's a spectacular update on the standard [Constance Garnett](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_Garnett) translations. Handprinted on a Vandercook Universal I from mint Dante types. The paper was smuggled in from Germany.
2012-08-21 18:56:59 : Work -> printing
Find 71fca854fdceb0c0728b7bde0803a863e1242165 on GitHub.
Work -> printing
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{+author: Anton Chekhov+}
{+title: Easter Week+}
{+summary: "A new translation with accompanying wood engravings." +}
{+thumbnail: "img/thumb_easter-10.jpg"+}
{+Two Chekhov stories--"The Student," and "On Easter Eve"--in new translation--courtesty of [Michael Henry Heim](http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/slavic/faculty/heim_m.html). These stories are two favorites of mine--and I even read [somewhere][1] that "The Student" was Chekhov's own favorite. It's a spectacular update on the standard [Constance Garnett](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_Garnett) translations. Handprinted on a Vandercook Universal I from mint Dante types. The paper was smuggled in from Germany.+}
{+The stories are flanked by [Barry Moser's](http://www.moser-pennyroyal.com/) dark engravings. Published in two editions, both bound by [Sarah Creighton](http://www.sarahcreighton.com/).+}
{+[1]: <http://books.google.com/books?id=Vk8XRRYl938C&printsec=frontcover&dq=heim+karlinksy++chekhov+life+thought&hl=en&ei=OwgFTbXnBs2r8AaUv8HnAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false>+}
{+<div class="gallery">+}
{+ <img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-10.jpg') }}"/>+}
{+ <img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-1.jpg') }}"/>+}
{+ <img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-2.jpg') }}"/>+}
{+ <img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-3.jpg') }}"/>+}
{+ <img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-4.jpg') }}"/>+}
{+ <img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-6.jpg') }}"/>+}
{+ <img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-7.jpg') }}"/>+}
{+ <img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-8.jpg') }}"/>+}
{+ <img src="{{ media_url('img/scaled_easter-9.jpg') }}"/>+}
2012-08-17 12:41:24 : Maybe I should git move
Find 04fd7f04134dda8c3886bd50ddb0257b862daf0f on GitHub.
Maybe I should git move
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
[-{% extends "post.j2" %}-]
[- author: Anton Chekhov-]
[- title: Easter Week-]
[- summary: "A new translation with accompanying wood engravings." -]
[- pivot: True-]
[- exclude: False-]
[- category: -]
[- - printing-]
[-{% block article %}-]
[-Two Chekhov stories--"The Student," and "On Easter Eve"--in new translation--courtesty of [Michael Henry Heim](http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/slavic/faculty/heim_m.html). These stories are two favorites of mine--and I even read [somewhere][1] that "The Student" was Chekhov's own favorite. It's a spectacular update on the standard [Constance Garnett](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_Garnett) translations. Handprinted on a Vandercook Universal I from mint Dante types. The paper was smuggled in from Germany.-]
[-The stories are flanked by [Barry Moser's](http://www.moser-pennyroyal.com/) dark engravings. Published in two editions, both bound by [Sarah Creighton](http://www.sarahcreighton.com/).-]
[-[1]: <http://books.google.com/books?id=Vk8XRRYl938C&printsec=frontcover&dq=heim+karlinksy++chekhov+life+thought&hl=en&ei=OwgFTbXnBs2r8AaUv8HnAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false>-]
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[- <img src="{{ site.url }}/media/images/printing/{{ page.page_name }}/easter-6.jpg" />-]
[- <img src="{{ site.url }}/media/images/printing/{{ page.page_name }}/easter-7.jpg" />-]
[- <img src="{{ site.url }}/media/images/printing/{{ page.page_name }}/easter-8.jpg" />-]
[- <img src="{{ site.url }}/media/images/printing/{{ page.page_name }}/easter-9.jpg" />-]
[-{% endblock %}-]
2012-08-17 11:30:45 : What's going on?
Find d8e06fe7038dd411329b65d9757a5c516c115480 on GitHub.
What's going on?
{% extends [-"_post.html"-]{+"post.j2"+} %}
[-{% hyde-]{+---+}
author: Anton Chekhov
title: Easter Week
summary: "A new translation with accompanying wood engravings."
pivot: True
exclude: False
- printing
{% block article %}
Two Chekhov stories--"The Student," and "On Easter Eve"--in new translation--courtesty of [Michael Henry Heim](http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/slavic/faculty/heim_m.html). These stories are two favorites of mine--and I even read [somewhere][1] that "The Student" was Chekhov's own favorite. It's a spectacular update on the standard [Constance Garnett](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_Garnett) translations. Handprinted on a Vandercook Universal I from mint Dante types. The paper was smuggled in from Germany.
2012-08-17 10:37:07 : Adding content
Find eeb46da13d45b343c16789a2eb0d19224350bdb1 on GitHub.
Adding content
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
{+{% extends "_post.html" %}+}
{+{% hyde+}
{+ author: Anton Chekhov+}
{+ title: Easter Week+}
{+ summary: "A new translation with accompanying wood engravings." +}
{+ pivot: True+}
{+ exclude: False+}
{+ categories: +}
{+ - printing+}
{+{% block article %}+}
{+Two Chekhov stories--"The Student," and "On Easter Eve"--in new translation--courtesty of [Michael Henry Heim](http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/slavic/faculty/heim_m.html). These stories are two favorites of mine--and I even read [somewhere][1] that "The Student" was Chekhov's own favorite. It's a spectacular update on the standard [Constance Garnett](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constance_Garnett) translations. Handprinted on a Vandercook Universal I from mint Dante types. The paper was smuggled in from Germany.+}
{+The stories are flanked by [Barry Moser's](http://www.moser-pennyroyal.com/) dark engravings. Published in two editions, both bound by [Sarah Creighton](http://www.sarahcreighton.com/).+}
{+[1]: <http://books.google.com/books?id=Vk8XRRYl938C&printsec=frontcover&dq=heim+karlinksy++chekhov+life+thought&hl=en&ei=OwgFTbXnBs2r8AaUv8HnAg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false>+}
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