2015-06-02 19:40:49 : Updating figure rendering.
Find f1904f463e71a20dc8e20c4c0f74876a43851e15 on GitHub.
Updating figure rendering.
thumbnail: monotype-composite-1.jpg
track: True
[-{{ macros.render_figure("<img src='/media/img/monotype-composite-1.jpg'/>" , "Garamond,-]{+![](/media/img/monotype-composite-1.jpg)+}
{+: Garamond,+} Joanna, & [-Centaur.") }}-]{+Centaur.+}
{% mark excerpt %}
In the fine printing community, there is a slight kerfuffle around the aesthetic difference between type designed for letterpress printing and type designed for digital or offset printing. With the rise of photopolymer printing, many designers are using digital-native typefaces to print on film, which inevitably results in bulky, inelegant letterforms, as a digital type design doesn't account for the cross-sectional distribution of ink-on-paper.
2014-06-15 22:23:17 : Removing link to ec2 instance. Lazzyyyy.
Find 5dcb5d6c6c635ed9567402c6d996b0aa5f36bcbe on GitHub.
Removing link to ec2 instance. Lazzyyyy.
The first typefaces adapted for phototypesetting and digital printing were, as a rule, too light and too spindly. They were also, generally, somewhat malformed. While high-quality metal typefaces were cut slightly differently at various sizes--so 18 pt. Bembo was not simply a scaled up facsimile of 10 pt. Bembo (or vice versa), but somewhat elaborated upon--digital typefaces had no such subtlety.
{+At any rate, this is all a very long way of saying, one of the first Django projects I put together was a little typography-training game. Rather than using digital copies of the typefaces, though, I scanned each letter-form from a specimen book of English Monotype that a [friend](http://katranpress.com) let me borrow. Other than that, there's not that much to it. <span class="strike">I haven't had this hosted live in awhile, but I recently started looking into Amazon Web Services, which made setting up an `ec2` instance a snap.</span>+}
[-At any rate, this is all a very long way of saying, one of the first django projects I put together was a little typography-training game. Rather than using digital copies of the typefaces, though, I scanned each letter-form from a specimen book of English Monotype that a [friend](http://katranpress.com) let me borrow. Other than that, there's not that much to it. I haven't had this hosted live in awhile, but I recently started looking into Amazon Web Services, which made setting up an `ec2` instance a snap. -]
[-At-]{+<span class="strike">At+} any rate, try your hand: [Classic [-Typefaces](/apps/monotype/).-]{+Typefaces](#).</span> +}
{+*I killed the instance, as it was too expensive to keep running after my free year. Thought I'd use it for other things too, but mostly use Heroku now. Anyhow, it's damn old now.*+}
2013-01-29 18:51:46 : What hast thou persisted? Be gone.
Find a7bf49012393eb9e442a26ffa7a80270937f810f on GitHub.
What hast thou persisted? Be gone.
summary: How well do you know your classic humanist typefaces?
date: 2010-10-09 14:20:34
thumbnail: monotype-composite-1.jpg
{+track: True+}
{{ macros.render_figure("<img src='/media/img/monotype-composite-1.jpg'/>" , "Garamond, Joanna, & Centaur.") }}
2012-12-28 12:58:12 : And we plunge onward.
Find 122c876be05cac9b50681d184b10c1c0f4cbb1f4 on GitHub.
And we plunge onward.
title: English Monotype {+Game+}
summary: How well do you know your classic humanist typefaces?
date: 2010-10-09 14:20:34
thumbnail: monotype-composite-1.jpg
2012-12-20 10:22:38 : Don't do weird <img> tags.
Find 2bd5082270dbbecd231e7a795900bd7423073c0d on GitHub.
Don't do weird <img> tags.
date: 2010-10-09 14:20:34
thumbnail: monotype-composite-1.jpg
{{ macros.render_figure("<img [-src='/media/img/monotype-composite-1.jpg'></img>"-]{+src='/media/img/monotype-composite-1.jpg'/>"+} , "Garamond, Joanna, & Centaur.") }}
{% mark excerpt %}
In the fine printing community, there is a slight kerfuffle around the aesthetic difference between type designed for letterpress printing and type designed for digital or offset printing. With the rise of photopolymer printing, many designers are using digital-native typefaces to print on film, which inevitably results in bulky, inelegant letterforms, as a digital type design doesn't account for the cross-sectional distribution of ink-on-paper.
2012-12-20 08:41:36 : Adding in support for proper excerpts.
Find c5b6743357fcf8687bad84298f940ecb9db32c92 on GitHub.
Adding in support for proper excerpts.
thumbnail: monotype-composite-1.jpg
{{ macros.render_figure("<img src='/media/img/monotype-composite-1.jpg'></img>" , "Garamond, Joanna, & Centaur.") }}
{+{% mark excerpt %}+}
In the fine printing community, there is a slight kerfuffle around the aesthetic difference between type designed for letterpress printing and type designed for digital or offset printing. With the rise of photopolymer printing, many designers are using digital-native typefaces to print on film, which inevitably results in bulky, inelegant letterforms, as a digital type design doesn't account for the cross-sectional distribution of ink-on-paper.
{+{% endmark %}+}
The first typefaces adapted for phototypesetting and digital printing were, as a rule, too light and too spindly. They were also, generally, somewhat malformed. While high-quality metal typefaces were cut slightly differently at various sizes--so 18 pt. Bembo was not simply a scaled up facsimile of 10 pt. Bembo (or vice versa), but somewhat elaborated upon--digital typefaces had no such subtlety.
At any rate, this is all a very long way of saying, one of the first django projects I put together was a little typography-training game. Rather than using digital copies of the typefaces, though, I scanned each letter-form from a specimen book of English Monotype that a [friend](http://katranpress.com) let me borrow. Other than that, there's not that much to it. I haven't had this hosted live in awhile, but I recently started looking into Amazon Web Services, which made setting up an `ec2` instance a snap.
At any rate, try your hand: [Classic Typefaces](/apps/monotype/).
2012-12-20 01:16:50 : This should be here already, as it's live.
Find c63effe7ccec5af2cfb0505820f5c58915952dc9 on GitHub.
This should be here already, as it's live.
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
{+title: English Monotype+}
{+summary: How well do you know your classic humanist typefaces? +}
{+date: 2010-10-09 14:20:34+}
{+thumbnail: monotype-composite-1.jpg+}
{+{{ macros.render_figure("<img src='/media/img/monotype-composite-1.jpg'></img>" , "Garamond, Joanna, & Centaur.") }}+}
{+In the fine printing community, there is a slight kerfuffle around the aesthetic difference between type designed for letterpress printing and type designed for digital or offset printing. With the rise of photopolymer printing, many designers are using digital-native typefaces to print on film, which inevitably results in bulky, inelegant letterforms, as a digital type design doesn't account for the cross-sectional distribution of ink-on-paper.+}
{+The first typefaces adapted for phototypesetting and digital printing were, as a rule, too light and too spindly. They were also, generally, somewhat malformed. While high-quality metal typefaces were cut slightly differently at various sizes--so 18 pt. Bembo was not simply a scaled up facsimile of 10 pt. Bembo (or vice versa), but somewhat elaborated upon--digital typefaces had no such subtlety. +}
{+At any rate, this is all a very long way of saying, one of the first django projects I put together was a little typography-training game. Rather than using digital copies of the typefaces, though, I scanned each letter-form from a specimen book of English Monotype that a [friend](http://katranpress.com) let me borrow. Other than that, there's not that much to it. I haven't had this hosted live in awhile, but I recently started looking into Amazon Web Services, which made setting up an `ec2` instance a snap. +}
{+At any rate, try your hand: [Classic Typefaces](/apps/monotype/).+}