I’m going to be doing a quick layout to test out the various QTouch chips—which Leah has warned me, work little-better than the code we’ve got running on plain old ATtinys (which is what the QTouch chips are, basically).
I’ll also have some pads straight to the 32u4 to test out the CapSense library—and our custom code, as well.
I’m also going to do a smaller version with an ATtiny44—actually, I think I’ll do that one first, just so I can quickly mill out a board and see how the alligator clips behave with the conductive ink and all the rest.
AVR ISP Header
FTDI 6-pin header
Six toothless alligator clips
I decided to scrap all that, and make a version that uses an Atmega 168—like an Arduino—as that’s the version that I’m most familiar with. Here’s the board layout I scrapped together. Works ok, though I ultimately ended up milling one with a resonator.
Change History(?)
2015-03-02 21:47:19 : Updating layout for new blocks.
Find 3a8c3faf3cf2ac8144b1050f4c387551018b567b on GitHub.
Updating layout for new blocks.
thumbnail: tapclip-first-1.jpg
track: True
{+{% block post %}+}
### Parts:
- Atmega32u4
@@ -34,3 +34,4 @@ I'm also going to do a smaller version with an ATtiny44--actually, I think I'll
I decided to scrap all that, and make a version that uses an Atmega 168--like an Arduino--as that's the version that I'm most familiar with. Here's the board layout I scrapped together. Works ok, though I ultimately ended up milling one with a resonator.
<a href="" title="TapClip v.1 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="389" alt="TapClip v.1"></a>
<a href="" title="TapClip v.1 in action, by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0328"></a>
{+{% endblock %}+}
2015-02-16 14:28:44 : Adding excerpts to all posts, basically.
Find 07a57fe3ebb846616f1ae7d0aa3cfbc0f1920d57 on GitHub.
Adding excerpts to all posts, basically.
thumbnail: tapclip-first-1.jpg
track: True
[-###Parts:-]{+### Parts:+}
- Atmega32u4
- AT42QT1070
- AT42QT11110
{+{% mark excerpt %}+}
I'm going to be doing a quick layout to test out the various QTouch chips--which Leah has warned me, work little-better than the code we've got running on plain old ATtinys (which is what the QTouch chips are, basically).
{+{% endmark %}+}
I'll also have some pads straight to the 32u4 to test out the CapSense library--and our custom code, as well.
2013-01-29 18:40:51 : Start displaying .git tracking information
2013-01-21 09:00:02 : Need a space.
2012-12-16 23:27:40 : Moving along, son.
Find c10e3b634f3c104352905531cb4f5ccbd571dc8c on GitHub.
Moving along, son.
title: Touch Tiny v.1
date: 2012-08-22 20:49:40
summary: Playing [-w/-]{+with+} capacitive [-sensing.-]{+sensing in a tiny way.+}
- SenseClip
2012-12-07 23:27:35 : Tweaks, home.
2012-10-17 23:53:28 : Added some tags.
Find 02fd917dc3a249df8d7e25e6ca390528175e11dc on GitHub.
Added some tags.
title: Touch Tiny v.1
date: 2012-08-21 20:49:40
summary: Playing w/ capacitive sensing.
{+ - SenseClip+}
2012-10-02 10:34:08 : Moved all files over to a flat file system. Added new hyde plugin.
Find e98500c7a0459410661b53d92e754b7d84a1b869 on GitHub.
Moved all files over to a flat file system. Added new hyde plugin.
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{+title: Touch Tiny v.1+}
{+date: 2012-08-21 20:49:40+}
{+summary: Playing w/ capacitive sensing. +}
{+- Atmega32u4+}
{+- AT42QT1070+}
{+- AT42QT11110+}
{+I'm going to be doing a quick layout to test out the various QTouch chips--which Leah has warned me, work little-better than the code we've got running on plain old ATtinys (which is what the QTouch chips are, basically). +}
{+I'll also have some pads straight to the 32u4 to test out the CapSense library--and our custom code, as well. +}
{+I'm also going to do a smaller version with an ATtiny44--actually, I think I'll do that one first, just so I can quickly mill out a board and see how the alligator clips behave with the conductive ink and all the rest.+}
{+- ATtiny44+}
{+- AVR ISP Header+}
{+- FTDI 6-pin header+}
{+- Six toothless alligator clips+}
{+I decided to scrap all that, and make a version that uses an Atmega 168--like an Arduino--as that's the version that I'm most familiar with. Here's the board layout I scrapped together. Works ok, though I ultimately ended up milling one with a resonator.+}
{+<a href="" title="TapClip v.1 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="389" alt="TapClip v.1"></a>+}
{+<a href="" title="TapClip v.1 in action, by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0328"></a>+}