2015-06-02 19:42:24 : Updating to explain SynthClip more fully, and split our general research.
Find f066bae039c42c2cfe3205546dc3c07fcb36c96e on GitHub.
Updating to explain SynthClip more fully, and split our general research.
date: 2012-08-22 12:57:30
- SenseClip
thumbnail: [-tapclip-project-1.jpg-]{+synthclip-1.jpg+}
track: True
_This is a project that brings together a broad set of my research at MIT_
@@ -13,13 +13,15 @@ _This is a project that brings together a broad set of my research at MIT_
TapClip is a specialized capactive sensor board that I'm using as a test-bed for exploring ad-hoc user-interface design, and more broadly, self-made technologies.
{% endmark %}
[-{{ macros.render_figure('<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samjacoby/7929989432/" title="DSC_0426 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_54a77a2a56.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0426"></a>', "The-]{+It's served as a platform, both for [StoryClip](/projects/storyclip/), as well as SynthClip below, which is a self-contained musical interface, running a simple 8-bit wave generation algorithm. Each+} clip [-in action. I drew this one myself,-]{+was associated with a specific set of tones,+} which[-gives-] it [-that weird grown-up-kid quality.")}}-]{+cycled through automatically. Pressing multiple clips blended their sounds together. This would be a good place to have an mp3 or something.[^mp3]+}
[-## StoryClip-]{++}
{+: If only you could hear it's 8-bit purring.+}
[-Ultimately, I packaged what I'd done-]{+TapClip, as a general concept, shares much+} with the [-board into a submission for **Interaction Design-]{+[Makey Makey](http://www.makeymakey.com/). Jay+} & [-Children 2013**, taking place-]{+Eric worked just downstairs from me at the Media Lab, and I stole every idea I could find. The key difference is simply+} in[-New York City. Happily it was accepted. You can download it for your reading pleasure below. -]
[-**Drawing-] the [-Electric: Storytelling-]{+basic use-case. The Makey Makey is designed to emulate a keyboard, so works in tandem+} with [-Conductive Ink**, Sam Jacoby & Leah Buechley, **Interaction Design-]{+a computer. This opens up a series of sophisticated interactions that take full-advantage of a computer's horsepower (and internet connectivity). That moves the focus of interaction from the computation itself, to the materiality of the conductive substrate. That,+} and [-Children ’13**, June 24–27, 2013, New York City, New York, United States. [(pdf)](/media/files/sjacoby_idc2013.pdf)-]{+technically, TapClip relied on a series of simple two-pin capacitive sensors, rather than the resistive pins in the Makey Makey.+}
{+The Eagle files are available [here](https://github.com/samjacoby/Eagle/tree/master/TapClip32u4).+}
I've also documented some of my process in a variety of briefer posts. Take a look.
{+[^mp3]: Nope.+}
2014-06-15 22:08:50 : Adding IDC download. Why not?
Find 2c32055fa9d4bfad2d888782792302d6f5f500ef on GitHub.
Adding IDC download. Why not?
{{ macros.render_figure('<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samjacoby/7929989432/" title="DSC_0426 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_54a77a2a56.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0426"></a>', "The clip in action. I drew this one myself, which gives it that weird grown-up-kid quality.")}}
{+## StoryClip+}
{+Ultimately, I packaged what I'd done with the board into a submission for **Interaction Design & Children 2013**, taking place in New York City. Happily it was accepted. You can download it for your reading pleasure below. +}
{+**Drawing the Electric: Storytelling with Conductive Ink**, Sam Jacoby & Leah Buechley, **Interaction Design and Children ’13**, June 24–27, 2013, New York City, New York, United States. [(pdf)](/media/files/sjacoby_idc2013.pdf)+}
I've {+also+} documented some of my process in a variety of briefer posts. Take a look.
2013-01-29 18:51:46 : What hast thou persisted? Be gone.
Find a7bf49012393eb9e442a26ffa7a80270937f810f on GitHub.
What hast thou persisted? Be gone.
- SenseClip
thumbnail: tapclip-project-1.jpg
{+track: True+}
_This is a project that brings together a broad set of my research at MIT_
2013-01-10 23:32:23 : Project page should be a little less terrible.
Find 196b1a66ac68f55a136132d52cb23c0a66a6c0dc on GitHub.
Project page should be a little less terrible.
_This is a project that brings together a broad set of my research at MIT_
{+{% mark excerpt %}+}
TapClip is a specialized capactive sensor board that I'm using as a test-bed for exploring ad-hoc user-interface design, and more broadly, self-made technologies.
{+{% endmark %}+}
{{ macros.render_figure('<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samjacoby/7929989432/" title="DSC_0426 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_54a77a2a56.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0426"></a>', "The clip in action. I drew this one myself, which gives it that weird grown-up-kid quality.")}}
2012-12-12 00:30:16 : moving along.
Find e3c2d0bb6a7e32d27b28cbe16c4da09e69c2bb43 on GitHub.
moving along.
title: TapClip
summary: A[-little-] capacitive-sensing board for [-clipping onto conductive materials to make-]{+creating ad-hoc computer+} interfaces [-and the like.-]{+from conductive inks.+}
date: 2012-08-22 12:57:30
- SenseClip
@@ -11,3 +11,5 @@ _This is a project that brings together a broad set of my research at MIT_
TapClip is a specialized capactive sensor board that I'm using as a test-bed for exploring ad-hoc user-interface design, and more broadly, self-made technologies.
{{ macros.render_figure('<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samjacoby/7929989432/" title="DSC_0426 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_54a77a2a56.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0426"></a>', "The clip in action. I drew this one myself, which gives it that weird grown-up-kid quality.")}}
{+I've documented some of my process in a variety of briefer posts. Take a look.+}
2012-12-11 23:52:38 : Ok.
Find 47afb7958b05ba7dc57b779c43fa2efa7868bc7b on GitHub.
title: TapClip
summary: A little capacitive-sensing board for clipping onto [-designs-]{+conductive materials+} to make[-sweet-ass narrative-] interfaces and the like.
date: 2012-08-22 12:57:30
[-exclude: True-]
- SenseClip
{+thumbnail: tapclip-project-1.jpg+}
_This is a project [-bringing-]{+that brings+} together [-some-]{+a broad set+} of my[-ongoing-] research at MIT_
TapClip is a[-pretty generic name, so I've called it _StoryClip_, as well. Essentially, it's a-] specialized capactive sensor board that I'm using as a test-bed for exploring ad-hoc [-user-interfaces. I've been playing with a handful of applications.-]{+user-interface design, and more broadly, self-made technologies.+}
{{ macros.render_figure('<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samjacoby/7929989432/" title="DSC_0426 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_54a77a2a56.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0426"></a>', "The clip in action. I drew this one myself, which gives it that weird grown-up-kid quality.")}}
2012-12-11 23:24:25 : Keeping track of the generalities of the mentals.
Find db1fd991b3ea34429d47856c77e32ede5c8a3569 on GitHub.
Keeping track of the generalities of the mentals.
title: [-StoryClip-]{+TapClip+}
summary: A little capacitive-sensing board for clipping onto designs to make sweet-ass narrative interfaces and the like.
date: 2012-08-22 12:57:30
exclude: True
- SenseClip
_This is a [-post-]{+project+} bringing together some {+of my+} ongoing research at MIT_
{+TapClip is a pretty generic name, so I've called it _StoryClip_, as well. Essentially, it's a specialized capactive sensor board that I'm using as a test-bed for exploring ad-hoc user-interfaces. I've been playing with a handful of applications.+}
{{ macros.render_figure('<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samjacoby/7929989432/" title="DSC_0426 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_54a77a2a56.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0426"></a>', [-"StoryClip-]{+"The clip+} in action. I drew this one myself, which gives it that weird grown-up-kid quality.")}}
2012-12-02 16:00:59 : Yo.
Find 1aa554b4ee6451d701a7cf6df69e08609a63bc90 on GitHub.
_This is a post bringing together some ongoing research at MIT_
{{ macros.render_figure('<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samjacoby/7929989432/" title="DSC_0426 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img [-src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_ca8d84db5b.jpg"-]{+src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_54a77a2a56.jpg"+} width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0426"></a>', "StoryClip in action. I drew this one myself, which gives it that weird grown-up-kid quality.")}}
2012-11-12 09:54:31 : Latest.
Find 3c2f20d37759a45e2141d143e4ff384f3e932ade on GitHub.
_This is a post bringing together some ongoing research at MIT_
{{ macros.render_figure('<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samjacoby/7929989432/" title="DSC_0426 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_ca8d84db5b.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0426"></a>', "StoryClip in action. I drew this one myself, which gives it that weird [-mature-kid-]{+grown-up-kid+} quality.")}}
2012-10-28 13:19:02 : Latest.
Find e6c5d164322f1fede430074e8afee1821ba73206 on GitHub.
_This is a post bringing together some ongoing research at MIT_
{{ [-macros.render_figure('-]
[-<a-]{+macros.render_figure('<a+} href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samjacoby/7929989432/" title="DSC_0426 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_ca8d84db5b.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0426"></a>', "StoryClip in action. I drew this one myself, which gives it that weird mature-kid [-quality.')-]
2012-10-25 22:17:05 : These should already be in here. All of em
Find b33dab432f52c7ad76f67f325a7473c46fbd87b7 on GitHub.
These should already be in here. All of em
title: [-TapClip-]{+StoryClip+}
summary: A little capacitive-sensing board for clipping onto designs to make sweet-ass narrative interfaces and the like.
date: 2012-08-22 12:57:30
exclude: True
{+tags: +}
{+ - SenseClip+}
{+_This is a post bringing together some ongoing research at MIT_ +}
{+{{ macros.render_figure('+}
{+<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/samjacoby/7929989432/" title="DSC_0426 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/7929989432_ca8d84db5b.jpg" width="500" height="333" alt="DSC_0426"></a>', "StoryClip in action. I drew this one myself, which gives it that weird mature-kid quality.')+}
[-<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40358770@N00/7851855900/" title="TapClip v.2 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8299/7851855900_ba91a603ec.jpg" width="500" height="335" alt="TapClip v.2"></a>-]
2012-08-24 14:00:53 : Adding tapclip project page.
Find ed47c78fc87605ad0269d32a9b0ecd7382f4f293 on GitHub.
Adding tapclip project page.
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
{+title: TapClip +}
{+summary: A little capacitive-sensing board for clipping onto designs to make sweet-ass narrative interfaces and the like. +}
{+date: 2012-08-22 12:57:30+}
{+exclude: True+}
{+<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/40358770@N00/7851855900/" title="TapClip v.2 by s_jacoby, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8299/7851855900_ba91a603ec.jpg" width="500" height="335" alt="TapClip v.2"></a>+}